The Development of Project-Based STEM Teaching Model by Implementing Rapport Elements for Mathematics Primary School: A Needs Analysis
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Project Based Rapport element Mathematics STEM Teaching ModelAbstrak
Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) involves three main waves since 2013 to 2025 which focused on the element of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The main purpose of this research was to identify the needs to develop the project-based STEM teaching model with the implementation of rapport elements for mathematics primary school. This research adopted a survey method where a set of questionnaires was distributed through google form to 400 mathematics teachers of the primary school in Johor. The data were analyzed by using the software of Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 26.0. The descriptive analysis, frequency, mean, and standard deviation were used to determine the needs in developing the STEM teaching model. The findings on the descriptive analysis showed that, all the respondents agreed that there is a need to develop the project-based STEM teaching model with the implementation of rapport elements in the process of teaching and learning of Mathematics in primary schools The implementation of rapport elements in the teaching process is necessary so that the basic knowledge and skills of mathematics can be mastered by students and hence can contribute to improve student achievement and motivation in school.
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